Wednesday, April 24, 2013

50 lb weight loss-What does it mean?

I talked about losing weight for years. Finally, this Easter I hit the fifty pound mark. I lost fifty lbs in seven months. I did it the old fashioned way: Salads and Exercise. The type of exercise I did was atypical, however. I managed to luck out and end up in Steve Ilg's Prop Yoga class. He works your core and is the best in the business. He is also a five sport champion himself and a yogi, husband and a loving father. I was lucky to meet him and the other students in the class that really contributed to my wanting to do well in class and in life. The other teacher was Marissa Asplund, a phenomenal athlete and cycling legend. Her knowledge and passion is very inspiring. My tips for weight loss are simple: take out sugar, flour and dairy and you will lose weight. However, what is the most important aspect of weight loss is how you feel about yourself. Make the time to honor yourself and you will feel great. I love my thirty minutes in the morning of Yoga with Joy Kilpatricks's CD. I absolutely love it! My kids, my colleagues and my friends unanimously agree, I look and feel better. But the truth is I have always been the same person on the inside. So whether you want to lose twenty or fifty, remember to love the skin your in and be yourself. Do not hide from pictures or outings or sports you want to try. Be gentle on yourself, find a support group, or exercise class and commit. If I did it, you can too!

Good luck!

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